The Minnesota Department of Transportation has scheduled the ramp closure from eastbound I-494 to northbound Hwy 100 and the ramp closure from southbound Hwy 100 to eastbound I-494 to begin Sun, April 7. These closures will remain in place until early May.
Starting at 5 a.m. Mon, April 8, crews will begin work to realign American Blvd. between Hwy 100 and France Ave. Crews will shift the road to the south and convert it from 4 lanes to 3 lanes with a center left turn lane. Crews will also be doing utility work and building a retaining wall.
To allow crews to make these improvements, American Blvd. will be closed to through traffic between Hwy 100 and France Ave. through late summer. During construction, motorists can use France Ave. to 84th St. to Normandale Lake Blvd. as a through traffic detour. However, local access to all businesses and residences will be open and maintained throughout construction. |
Please note that all timeframes are approximate, subject to change, and weather and schedule dependent.
4401 American Boulevard West, Bloomington, MN, USA